Explore Many Types of Aerial Photography

Aerial photography and aerial videography are an important area of photography that is appreciated in the modern society. As we know aerial photography is widely used in topography surveying as well as for movies, geographic magazines, city functions and many more. Aerial photography including aerial videography are widely used in topographic surveying, movie making, business projects and magazines, city events and many more. The following paragraphs below will highlight different types of aerial photography and its usage.Also, it is important to note that aerial photography is a specialized area in photography for professionals who are looking for excitement and amazing images. To become an expert photographer you need to know the different types and methods of aerial photography and also need to be adventurous.1.Kite Aerial Photography (KAP)This method of photography involves flying of kites in combination with cameras to produce dramatic aerial photos. This method had been existence for a while, and its an inexpensive way of taking nice aerial photos. The disadvantage is kite aerial photography cannot be used under high wind rainy conditions.2.Balloon aerial photography (BAP)This is another method which utilizes balloons to take the cameras up into the high elevations. In contrast to kites, balloons will not be handicapped by the lack of wind, however high windy conditions will make it maneuverable difficult. The advantage is it is a low noise or low impact method which will not disturb the public. In many parts of the world this method is used and many people make use of this photographic method as it can allow you to get more absorbed with the environment and you have ample time to concentrate on good photos.3.Helicopter aerial photography or HAPThis is a method which involves a helicopter to capture aerial photos or video. The photographer can take photographs or vide of the landscape while inside the helicopter. The advantage of using a helicopter is that the flexibility of movements which give the photographer or the video taker an excellent maneuverability and excellent control resulting in dramatic and clear shots. The disadvantage is that helicopter produce noise which may be a nuisance to public. Thats why this method is considered high-impact shooting. However, this method is very popular among movie makers, because of easy maneuverability.4.Radio controlled aerial photography (RCAP):This method uses a remote controlled helicopter to take photographs or video of the surrounding environment. Its a very economical and effective method, which allows the user more responsibility and control over any given situation. Additionally, this is some what low impact method. Numerous aerial photographic companies (exist all over United States) which popularly use RCAP. Although this method is popular, the human factor is lacking, as such photographers who are looking for high involvement and excitement may not use this methodNow you have brief idea of aerial photography, if you need further information, there excellent online resources which will provide you valuable guidelines and opportunities. Start right now.
All in all, aerial photography is an important topic which not only gives excitement but also great pictures. If permits, do not forget to take a digital SLR camera on a flight, as aerial photography will certainly give enjoyment and fantastic rare photos on any terrain.

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